You can help us to raise funds by making a one-off or regular donation, organising or taking part in fundraising events, or you may wish to consider making a bequeathment in your will. You may even wish to ring-fence funds specifically for one area of support that we provide, such as benevolence, although all funds benefit our members.
If you would like to raise funds for The Royal Corps of Army Music Trust, please see below for a step-by-step guide on how to fundraise for us:
Email the Corps Secretary on with details of the event you are organising.
We will then discuss with you how to progress your fundraising for The Royal Corps of Army Music Trust.
In the meantime, why not set up an online fundraising page with JustGiving? It’s easy and enables people living anywhere in the world to donate. For more information on how to set up your own JustGiving page simply go to
Please update us regularly about your preparation.
Thank you for choosing to support The Royal Corps of Army Music Trust and the best of luck!
For assistance and advice on your fundraising activities please email
Donations can be made by through The Royal Corps of Army Music Secretary at or by donating via the button below.
Musn B had joined RCAM in 2004 and was a member of the Trust. The Musn’s spouse sadly died suddenly after a short illness and they needed to find funds for the funeral. It was a difficult time for the Musn, but someone advised them to speak to their SSAFA Caseworker who in turn contacted the Trust and together, with the additional support from the RBL, were able to support the Musn and their family to plan the funeral they wanted for their spouse
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